The Italian portal of the group Last Minute has devised and opened, with the help of World Match, a new online gaming section which offers online casinos players its widened range of lifestyle products and deals. World Match offered the Last Minute gaming site with a regular license given by Malta, an EU member state. Now online casinos players can have fun while they bargain shop. 'E-gaming is becoming increasingly popular and Internet is now one of the major sources of leisure fun and entertainment,' says Alexis Bonte, Managing Director of Last Minute Italy. Last Minute saw the potential that could be gained from having online entertainment on its site after its English parent company had reached success. As part of their e-commerce business, Last Minute felt that they could meet all of the requirements online casinos patrons had with regards to their free time online. By offering the chance to win trips and holidays through promotions, Last Minute will be able to keep their patrons buying and playing instead of having them quickly move on to online casinos. Last Minute has succeeded in mixing the shopping experience of online casinos players with the chance to enjoy online entertainment services all on one site. Now, it seems that online casinos aren't the only ones offering online gaming entertainment.