This latest weekend has brought with it some pretty good news for South African online casinos and gamblers. According to the deputy director-general of the Department of Trade and Industry, Astrid Ludin, the South African cabinet has approved a regulatory approach towards online casinos, instead of the previous prohibitionist approach. If that will indeed be the case, South Africa will join the UK, Italy, Spain and Belgium in considering this kind of option for dealing with the online casinos industry. The South African initiative is based on a two years research conducted by a specially appointed committee.
When talking about the online casinos issue to the press, Ludin explained that the South African experience in the past has shown that regulation is without a doubt the best option available. Nevertheless, she also pointed out that there will be an organized player registration and licensing, which means that only those players will be entitled to play at online casinos. In addition, Ludin commented that for the moment, cellphone gambling will be prohibited, and players will be able to gamble only from a regular Internet connection.
"According to our plans, online casinos will be controlled by a system of registration through a licensed service provider, which will enable us to track transactions. In addition, players won't be able to pay with credit cards, as winnings will be paid back only to the player's account" added Ludin. As we can all see, the system may seem a bit clumsy, and far from perfect, but it certainly is something to start with for the South African online casinos industry.